Learn French
Founded in 1980, Alliance Française de Trivandrum is the official French language institute and cultural center in Kerala. The organisation’s main objective is to promote and develop Franco-Indian relations in the fields of education and culture.
Known for the excellence in French language teaching and for the prestigious cultural projects it brings to the city, AF Trivandrum is your one stop destination to immerse yourself in the French language and culture.
Explore Services
Translation and Interpretation
AFT is granted exclusive accreditation from Embassy of France in India, for translations from and into French
Campus France
Campus France, an agency that operates under the aegis of the French ministries of Foreign Affairs, National Education, and Higher Education and Research promotes higher education in France
Library & Culturetheque
Do you love France? Do you love learning about French culture? Then look no further. Alliance Française de Trivandrum library provides all you need to quench your desire.